Our trunnion design provides excellent sealing characteristics and long life through our generous approach to corrosion allowances and smart sealing design.
PHBB Trunnion Ball valves are available with all applicable features prevailing in the industry including sealant injection facility, customised drain & vent connections etc.
Sizes: ¾” to 24”, ¾ to 16”, ¾” to 12”
Pressure Ratings: 150#, 300#, 600#, 900# & 1500#, 2500#
Design & Construction Features
Antistatic, Fire safe, Antiblow out stem
Stem Sealing Design
Our body & stem seals feature O ring plus graphite as standard rather than O ring or graphite only. Due to our modular sealing design feature, we are able to meet our customers body & stem sealing specifications including lip seals and other sealing options
Shell Design
Our design is built to be suitable as standard for most customer specifications in terms of Shell thickness , corrosion allowance & bolting design requirements
Actuation Ready Design
Our ISO top mounting design reduces the time and cost of actuation. Uniform torques provide prolonged cyclic life